Online Bulletin

February 2,  2025
9am and 10:45am
Welcome to The Bridge! We are so glad you are here today!

The Life Choices Life Tree Project is happening for the next few weeks. Grab an ornament off of the tree in the foyer, purchase the item, and the following Sunday bring the item/ornament back to the foyer! Thanks for helping us stock the Hope Shop at Life Choices! 

Below  you will find everything you need to participate with us.
Be sure to scroll down to the very bottom of this page for this week's announcements!

Sermon notes

Connection Card

Sermon notes for kids

give online

Today's Announcements

Elder Morning Prayer

Join us anytime between 6:30-7:30am at our Downtown Campus. If you need prayer, our elders will be there! This is a very casual, come and go time. Questions beforehand? Email us! 

Legacy (60+ Group)

If you are 60+, come join us on February 13 at 11:45am in Room 100! We will be assembling goody baskets for 2nd grade teachers. We will be providing lunch for you! Please RSVP and let Raine know if you would be willing to bring items for the teachers.


Moms of preschoolers and younger! Our next Sprouts gathering is tomorrow (February 3) from 9-11am at the North Campus in Room 100. Childcare is always provided! Email us if you have questions! 
Text "thebridge" to (833) 453-1503 to sign up for church and ministry-specific reminders.
Don't forget to fill out an Online Connection Card today!
If you have not already, be sure you sign up for our weekly email newsletter to stay connected and informed.