
We believe Jesus Christ is the hope of the world, and following Jesus means pursuing his Great Commission of making disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20). God has called us to seek the prosperity of our city (Jeremiah 29:7) and to care for the vulnerable (Zechariah 7:9-10). We believe in the power of being a neighbor (Mark 12:29-32) and in supporting the ongoing work around the world of those who are planting churches, pursuing justice, and offering the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

All of us have the opportunity to participate in the work of loving our neighbors and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Whether mentoring in our local schools, working with foster families, participating in a short-term trip, or using your technical skills to benefit our local partners - there is a place for you to participate in missions! If you are interested in learning more about our amazing global and local partners and how you can be a part of kingdom work happening here in Ruston and around the world, contact Jake Handley! We would love to have a conversation with you!

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Missions Prayer Lunch 

We desire to be a church that loves and serves well. Please join us once a month as we pray for our city, supported partners, and outreach opportunities! We gather at the Downtown Campus (upstairs in our Conference Room)  from 12-1pm on the last Monday of the month to discuss current needs as we pray together. 

Encourage our partners!

Write an encouragement, question, or prayer and we'll send your message along!

Join the mission

Serve the Kingdom on a mission trip

COVID-19 has prohibited international travel for the foreseeable future. We are continuing to stay in contact with our partners, provide support, and plan for future trips. We will continue to update our church family regarding local and global outreach opportunities. 

Our Supported Partners


Bridges International
East West Ministries
Exile International
Family of Grace in Peru
The Duncans in  France
Share International
The Pyles in Cameroon
Various Partners in Central Asia