Hello! We are glad you are here! Connecting with one another in authentic community lies at the core of our mission to become and make disciples, because we are convinced that life change happens best in the context of relationships. At The Bridge, we pursue these relationships through Groups, equipping classes, weekly Bible studies, and one-on-one discipleship. We desire to continually raise the value of community, hoping that every follower of Jesus who calls The Bridge home will pursue relationships that challenge them to grow deeper and more complete in Christ.

Although we have many Groups at The Bridge, check out the Groups that have openings below! We encourage you to join one (or two!) today by filling out the form here!

Meet our Groups

Foundations (Membership Class)

Scott Byrd + other Leadership
Day:  Sunday mornings (Beginning September 15)
Time: 9AM (during the first service)
Location: Room 100
Who: Anyone who is interested in learning more about our church and/or membership

Foundations is a seven-week small group centered around the 5 Cs. In an informal setting we'll get to know one another and explore what the New Testament calls us to as followers of Christ. Foundations is the first step for anyone seeking to become a part of The Bridge.

We offer Foundations a few times  a year!


Anna Garmon, Tiffany Bowman, and Melissa Billeaud
Day: First Mondays of the month
Time: 9-11am
Location: North Campus
Who: Mommas and their young children

Childcare will be provided. ⁣

A playdate and Bible Study for mothers of young children,
Sprouts is open to all mommas. We desire them to feel encouraged, supported, and known through their journey of motherhood. We pray that Sprouts would be a place of authentic community for friendships between mothers and children. And, most of all, our desire is that every mother who comes falls more in love with Christ and desires to serve Him in her role as a mother.

Meet our Groups

Men's Monthly Breakfast

Luke Johnson, Walter Allen, Jake Haddox
Day:  Every third Thursday of the month
Time: 6:30-7:30am
Location: Downtown Campus
Who: Men of The Bridge, come join us for breakfast and fellowship every third Thursday of the month. 

1st Saturday (the bridge women)

Magan Causey
Day: First Saturday of the month
Time: 8:30-10am
Location: Downtown Campus
Who:  Women of The Bridge, come join us as we gather for fellowship and the teaching of God's word. Topics and speakers will change every month. 

morse group

Andrew and Stacy Morse
Day: Wednesdays
Time: 6pm
Location: Morse Home
Who: Multi-generational
We will be working through books of the Bible, one at at time.

young adults group (ladies)

Lindsey Pilgreen and Olivia Mason
Day:  Sundays
Time:  4-5:30pm
Location: Downtown Campus
Who: Young adult women, grad school through late 20s! We will be walking though sermon questions and building community to start! 

1 peter women's bible study

Dalerie Moller
Day:  9 week study, beginning September 18 (Wednesdays)
Time:  5:45-7:30pm
Location: 402 N Homer St
Who: Any women who would like to study 1 Peter for 9 weeks together!


Doug and Nicole Postel 
Day: Wednesdays, beginning October 16
Time: 5:45-7:15pm
Location: North Campus Bride's Room
Who: Married couples. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been married for 40 years or less than a year.

Whether your marriage needs to be reignited or completely resurrected, re|engage is a safe place for you and your spouse to reconnect.


Julie Stephenson and Sarah Colvin 
Day: Wednesdays, beginning September 4
Time: 5:45-7:15pm
Location: Chamber of Commerce Meeting Room
Who: Weekly fellowship Group for working moms.

We will be walking through Gospel Fluency together!

boothe + Rindt group

Jim and Taylor Boothe + Darren and Jessica Rindt
Day: Sunday evenings
Time: 4-7pm
Location: We will be rotating homes.
Who:  This is a family group (kids included) that will share a meal together and focus on relationships.

We plan to read books of the Bible, chapter by chapter for group discussion.

theology book club

Scott Byrd
Day: Once a month // Day and Time TBD
Location: Byrd home 
Who:  This Group is open to anybody, and you may join in at anytime.

We will be reading one theology book a month. We will gather for discussion and dinner. 

Johnson group

Blake and Martha Johnson
Day: Tuesday evenings
Time: 7pm
Location: Johnson Home
Who:  Co-ed, multigenerational (college and up)

We plan to read books of the Bible, chapter by chapter for group discussion.

TJ Bowman group

TJ Bowman
Day: Tuesday evenings
Time: 6:30pm
Location TBD
Who:  Anyone!

Anyone (in any life stage) who wants to memorize God's word together.

evangelism group

Wayne Smith 
Day:  TBD (This will be a four week Group, probably at the end of September or October)
Time: TBD
Location:  TBD
Who: Anyone who wants to learn the what, why, and how of witnessing and sharing the gospel in a winsome and authentic way. 

Prescott/erickson group

Bill and Stacy Prescott & Dan and Dawn Erickson
Day:  Sunday evenings
Time: 5:30pm
Location: Rotates homes within the Group
Who:  This is a multi-generational Group. Anyone is welcome!

We focus on a balance of deep fellowship and discussing one book of the Bible at a time. 

Tom Bowman's men group

Tom Bowman and Robert Fisher
Day: Thursday evenings
Location: North Campus
Who: A group of men in their 20s-70s

We gather weekly for a roundtable discussion and prayer. We also walk through books of the Bible, a few verses at a time.


Trenton Fiscus & Kay Laningham
Students! We have multiple college-specific groups that meet throughout the week! If you want to be a College Community Group leader,  or if you'd like to disciple a student, we would love to chat with you!

If you are interested, please fill out the form  and request a College Group!

middle school & High school 

Jake Handley and Madeline Davison
Parents! Don't forget that our Student Ministry has mid-week events that includes age and grade-specific small groups to debrief the sermon series discussed. It is our hope that your student grows closer to Jesus through this intentional time.

If you would like to participate, please fill out the form and request a Student Small Group. 

magan causey's group for ladies

Magan Causey
Day: Wednesday evenings
Time: 5:45-7:15pm
Location:  Causey Home
Who: I desire all women to have a place here. Married? Single? Empty nester? Join us once a week for some truth and encouragement. We’ll follow the schedule of HSK, so if you have a child in HSK or youth, it will be a perfect fit!


Sarah & Logan Didier and Ryan Shamburger 
Day: Monday evenings
Time: 6:30-9pm
Location: Didier home
Who:  Anyone is welcome to join our Group - single or married, with or without kids!

Bergeron Group

Van and Sheri Bergeron
Day: Sundays
Time: 5pm (We will share a meal together during our gatherings)
Location: Bergeron Home (Our plan is to rotate homes during the year!)
Who:  Empty Nesters (or soon to be) + 50ish and beyond

FRIENDSHIP families 

Bridges International 
What is a Friendship Family?

An international student is matched with an American family who welcomes him or her into their home at least once a month for dinner or some kind of group/family activity, to allow them
the opportunity to feel “at home”, in a completely new country.

What are the expectations?

We ask that a family meet with their student at least once per month. It’s simply “doing life” with them
such as having a meal together, going shopping, or taking their student to a child’s sport or school event.
During the year we are available to give tips and equip those that would like more information.

1:1 Discipleship

If you are interested in 1:1 discipleship at The Bridge (discipling or being discipled), please let us know! This is open to men and women.